Why Some Never & Some Do: The 9 Ps to Success

Positive Points along the Path

I’ve been working on my branding bringing all my pursuits together. Besides being a mom and grandmother, I’m a REALTOR, Design Psychologist, teacher, author, speaker, and internet marketer. I love having multiple projects and feel so great when things come together in harmony.

The following ideas may help you complete amazing achievements similar to my accomplishments this past year. I’m not bragging. I’m an example of what you can do. If a grieving senior widow who lost everything can turn her life around when it seemed hopeless, you can too.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to express gratitude as much as possible for everything during each phase of the following process. And, love everyone you come into contact with. No matter how difficult someone may be, try to just send loving thoughts their way. Don’t complain and participate in poor-me stories. I faked joy until I became Joy. Love in action creates joy.

Remember, it’s your prerogative (opportunity and choice) to harness your intuitive power.

Today you have the opportunity to do what only you can do following your intuition. And, even if others have the same abilities, most won’t step out of their comfort zone. The rest are too busy following their own dreams.

Take your next step, now.

The 9 Ps to Success

Do you know your life’s purpose? Have you found your reason for living? Your ambitions, goals, and mission define your purpose and help you focus. Knowing your purpose helps filter the thousands of thoughts flitting through your consciousness, enabling you to concentrate on thoughts leading to your desired conclusion.

While your purpose may be more spiritual and intellectual, your passion comes from your heart, emotions, and intuition. Get into a meditative state and let your mind wander. What are your secret heart’s desires? What are you passionate about? Think about your aspirations, longings, adorations, cravings, and what gives you pleasure.

Let your purpose and passion meld and percolate. Permit your creative juices free reign to see pictures in your mind of actions, events, and results. Imagine and perceive your vision from concept to completion. Dream something bigger than yourself. Hold thought steadfastly to the good you have the power to bring forth into the world.

Create a plan of action steps. You may not see the entire roadmap at first, and circumstances change. Continue picturing the results you want. Listen to your heart. What’s your next best step? Take it. Keep adding action steps to take. Check your old list of goals or To-Do list. Some things are always there, but you’ll be surprised how many action steps you strike through in a week, month, or a year.

Prepare to tackle your initial steps. Work, write, design, build whatever you need to remember your purpose to motivate yourself. These actions determine your ultimate success. The difference between successful people and those who always struggle is the ones who achieve their dreams do things they don’t want to do while those who sit around believing it can’t be done take no action. Forge ahead to advance your progress. Work a little more when you’d rather not. Ask the difficult questions and do the hard things.

After your preparation, it’s time for you to shine! Feel your passion and share your product from your heart. Love your audience and forget yourself. Give people and your performance your total concentration. Breathe deeply, pause, smile, feel your power. Push yourself to give more than your customers, clients, and even you expect. Feel proud in your heart for a job well done.

Expect to profit from your hard work. Don’t give up. Learn from your mistakes and keep going. Count your life lessons as profits in knowledge. Demand your fair profit for work well done. Consider how others have benefited from your performance and count that as profit. Express gratitude for profits, even if they don’t meet your expectations.

Take pleasure in your success and share your journey and joy. You deserve happiness just as much as you deserve profits. Concentrate on the good you’ve created and shared. Express happiness to attract more business.

Find serenity—pause to enjoy the peace of mind you’ve designed and created. Savor the peace before you start over in your next pursuit. Express love and expect goodness and harmony to follow you.

Next? Repeat. 

What are you going to do? Get gutsy! Declare your intentions with an accountability partner, now.

Today you have the opportunity to do what only you can do following your intuition. Even if others have the same abilities, most won’t step out of their comfort zone. The rest are too busy following their own dreams.

Take your next step, now.

9 Ps to Success by Jeanette Joy Fisher