
I used to believe that I had big bones and was destined to be a big woman. After my fifth baby, I sat around an hour feeding her a special diet five times a day. (She was perfect at birth, but contacted Meningitis at 30 days.) I started gaining weight around age 30 and kept getting larger. I had intentions to lose weight and followed many diet plans, MLM diets, and beat myself up about not exercising enough.

After living my life as size 2 X for over 30 years, I never expected to lose weight. But then a miracle came into my life! A friend came to live with me. My new business partner was super fit.  He taught me two things.

  1. Diet’s not about what you can’t eat. It’s about what you can eat.
  2. Eating a chocolate chip cookie gives me 8 seconds of pleasure and keeps me fat for life.

What if I tell you that you don’t have to EVER be hungry? You don’t have to exercise. And you can lose over 60 pounds in five months. I did this without thinking about food! Plus, we cook or prepare our three meals each day in under ten minutes.

I dropped about seven sizes–from 2X, 1X, 0X, XXL, XL, L, M to Small tops and Medium pants, from size 22 dress to size 10.

You don’t have to count calories! You can eat as much as you want of common, nutritious, organic, and unprocessed foods. I ate smaller proportions over time. I also gave up drinking wine. (We live in California, so I easily replaced this habit with weed for sleep.) Let me tell you, my kids believed I was an alcoholic after my husband died. The wine was just a crutch I gave up without any withdrawals or cravings. If I can do this, anyone can!

I am not selling this meal plan. I want you to be healthy, wealthy, and wise so you can join me in saving our planet and create peace.

I invite you to go to my website FitnessForJoy.com. There is NOTHING for sale on the website. It’s my gift to you. I promise you don’t have to give me your phone number or email. You can also follow me on Twitter FitnessForJoy7.

Be Happy! Be Fit!

JOY! to YOU!